First week as a faculty member is going smoothly. I met with my co-teacher this afternoon to start putting together our syllabus and figure out how to meld our two styles. I’ve been given access to another professor’s materials for the second class I’m teaching, “Web Programming.” Now, I just need to look over everything that has been done before for both courses and figure out what changes I want!
I really love that I’m working with a senior-level faculty member for teaching one of my courses. I’m sure I will learn a lot from her, and it will be great to have someone to bounce ideas off of and to help with decisions. Since I’m teaching this course again in the spring and possibly again later on, I hope that this semester will give me a great foundation to continue building on over time.
There is a lot to figure out and set up so that I’ll be ready for the beginning of the semester, but so far progress has been great. I already have a computer in my office, not to mention that I HAVE an office. Since we have some summer construction occurring I am lucky to already be able to “move in!” Unfortunately I am window-less, but in a few years I am promised that there will be enough desk reshuffling from retirements that I will see the sun again! Or clouds. I certainly don’t know what’s out there!
For now I am just going to relish the extraordinary amount of shelving space I have in my office, and wonder how I will ever fill it. I thought I had a lot of books, but compared to this space, I have nothing!